
Wcf difference between basichttpbinding wshttpbinding
Wcf difference between basichttpbinding wshttpbinding

Cross platform 256bit AES encryption / decryption.Via wcf binding – BasicHttpBinding vs wsHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding – Stack Overflow.


WsHttpBinding is the full-blown binding, which supports a ton of WS-* features and standards – it has lots more security features, you can use sessionful connections, you can use reliable messaging, you can use transactional control – just a lot more stuff, but wsHttpBinding is also a lot *heavier” and adds a lot of overhead to your messages as they travel across the networkįor an in-depth comparison (including a table and code examples) between the two check out this codeproject article: Differences between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding Then, between basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding, there differences are as follows:īasicHttpBinding is the very basic binding – SOAP 1.1, not much in terms of security, not much else in terms of features – but compatible to just about any SOAP client out there –> great for interoperability, weak on features and security SOAP (or you can expose both types of endpoints from your service – that’s possible, too). On the other hand, you can’t just browse to a wsHttpBinding endpoint with your browser and look at XML – you have to use a SOAP client, e.g. SOAP has the advantage of having WSDL and XSD to describe the service, its methods, and the data being passed around in great detail (REST doesn’t have anything like that – yet). Not even sure I am going in the right direction, but if I am, how do I set or change the 'binding' in VBA? Is there something else going on here? I am sure it is something simple, but like I said I do not have a VBA background, and WCF and SOAP are somewhat new to me as well.WebHttpBinding is the REST-style binding, where you basically just hit a URL and get back a truckload of XML or JSON from the web serviceīasicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding are two SOAP-based bindings which is quite different from REST. I noticed that using SOA cleaner it has a WCF Binding as WsHttpBinding and if I change this binding to BasicHttpBindingI get a similar error message as I am getting in VBA, to be exact: Content Type text/xml charset=utf-8 was not supported by service Since SOA Cleaner is able to connect I figured using the RAW SOAP/XML string SOA sends in VBA might be a good starting point. Now, I have tried SOA Cleaner Express and am able to connect successfully to the service and get data back. I do not know why one would be better than the other but both returned the same error. And creating the string as you see above and using loadXML to create the string. One creating it as you see above and sending that raw text to the server. I tried two different way to create the XML string. I get back: The server cannot service the request because the media type is unsupported.Ī couple things to note above. So far this is what I have written as a test to verify the ability to connect and to better understand what is returned when we do get a valid response. My background is not in VBA or VB.net so I am fairly new to this language so any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I am working on an Access 2010 'tool' that will hopefully allow me to sync our local Access database with an online one (hosted on a server that we have zero control over or direct access to). 我回来了: The server cannot service the request because the media type is unsupported. tRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/xml" Set myDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") Set myHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")

Wcf difference between basichttpbinding wshttpbinding